Nature Trail


Lochdonhead nature trail in the newspaper


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Amazing New Addition to our Nature Trail

Because we can


Leaders of the trail

We were delighted to lead our local education officer Alison MacDonald to the community and share our effective contributions and learning of the local area. She left us feedback along the trail.

Mile a Day on the Trail…

We used our nature trail to walk and jog our mile a day.



Mull Otter AGM

Ms. Bidwell attended the Mull Otter AGM on Saturday 11th November in the Isle of Mull Hotel to share the pupils Lochdon Swan Nature Trail video with the group and to share further information about the trail. We are delighted to be sponsoring the Mull Otter group to place an information board along our trail. The video was very well received and there was a lot interest and enthusiasm for our creation.


Trail Guides and Music

On the last day of term Ulva pupils came to our school for a guided walk along the trail and left us valuable feedback as to what they enjoyed and things we could improve. They particularly enjoyed playing pooh sticks and learning all about the author AA Milne and the origin of pooh sticks. Afterwards all pupils took part in a rich learning musical opportunity with Ms. Roth and sang as well playing the violins in a group. It was a lovely way to end a successful term of a variety of learning experiences.

Pooh Sticks at The Bridge…

We read about Christopher Robin and Pooh playing Pooh sticks and researched the rules for playing Pooh Sticks. It was said to heave been created by the author AA MIlne for his son Christopher Robin. We created art to put along the trail and instructions of how to play the game correctly, at the bridge, in preparation for our first guided trail for Ulva School pupils.


Beach Clean Survey

We took part in The Great British Clean Survey. Thank you to Janie Steele from GRAB for helping to organise this for us and for helping us to collate our results. We found some very interesting items…

Partnership Working

Jan came along, on a very wet and we chose the location for the nature trail boards.

Information Boards Have Arrived


On Twitter…


Today’s Afternoon Learning on Twitter…


We discovered that there are 1609.344 metres in a mile. We measured from the trail start to the mid point of the bridge and found that it was 854.5 metres, half a mile. Our nature trail is a mile long. Perfect for a mile a day route. We picked brambles and found an earthworm and a butterfly enroute.

Nature Trail Open…

Thank you to everyone for their amazing support for our Lochdon Swan Nature Trail.  We are so happy and pleased at how far we have come.  We are now looking forward to using this fantastic outdoor learning resource with other school pupils and to locals and visitors walking our trail.